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Re: Class Action for Invasion of Privacy at Western Health

Brothers Law Office > News  > Re: Class Action for Invasion of Privacy at Western Health

Re: Class Action for Invasion of Privacy at Western Health

The class action has now been certified to proceed on the basis of claims under negligence, contract, and both statutory and common law privacy grounds. A copy of the certification order can be seen by clicking the button below.

The claims have yet not been proven in the law. We are presently reviewing the Defence and documentary evidence provided by Western Health. The process of discovering witnesses has also begun.

Schedule A of the certification order explains the process whereby a class member (one of the 1043 individuals who received a letter from Western Health advising of breach of patient confidentiality) participates in the action. It also sets out the process to opt out. You can read the Notice below.

Although no action need be taken at this time to remain a part of the class action, we are interested in hearing from anyone affected by any breach of patient confidentiality or other invasion of privacy at Western Health. We encourage you to contact our firms :

Brothers Law Office
89 West Valley Road
Corner Brook, NL
A2H 2X4

[email protected]

Bob Buckingham Law
81 Bond Street
St. John’s, NL
A1C 1T2

[email protected]

The statutory and common law relating to breach of privacy is a new area of law. It is important to us that we understand the impact of the breach of privacy on our clients. This will assist us in explaining to the court the meaning and legal significance of invasion of privacy relating to medical and other personal information. We have prepared a questionnaire that we will provide to each claimant who contacts us. We look forward to hearing from any and all of the 1043 individuals affected by the privacy breach at Western Health.

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