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Author: Brothers Law

Brothers Law Office > Articles posted by Brothers Law

Western Regional Health Authority Class Action Settlement

St. John's lawyer, Bob Buckingham, and Corner Brook lawyer, Andrew May, the Lead Counsel in the 2012 Class Action against Western Regional Health Authority for a breach of patients’ personal health information confirmed today that notices have been sent to all individuals who had their privacy breached, detailing the next steps to bring this class action to a close. ...

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Re: Notice of Certification of the Western Regional Integrated Health Authority Privacy Breach Class Action

The class action has now been certified to proceed on the basis of claims under negligence, contract, and both statutory and common law privacy grounds. A copy of the certification order can be seen here. The claims have yet not been proven in the law. We are presently reviewing the Defence and documentary evidence provided by Western Health. The process of discovering witnesses has also begun. Schedule A of the certification order explains the process whereby a class member (one of the 1043 individuals who received a letter from Western Health advising of breach of patient confidentiality) participates in the...

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Re: Class Action for Invasion of Privacy at Western Health

The class action has now been certified to proceed on the basis of claims under negligence, contract, and both statutory and common law privacy grounds. A copy of the certification order can be seen here. The claims have yet not been proven in the law. We are presently reviewing the Defence and documentary evidence provided by Western Health. The process of discovering witnesses has also begun. Schedule A of the certification order explains the process whereby a class member (one of the 1043 individuals who received a letter from Western Health advising of breach of patient confidentiality) participates in the...

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Progress on Class Action relating to Alleged Breaches of Privacy at Western Health

[vc_row triangle_shape="no"][vc_column][vc_column_text] Brothers Law is satisfied with the 14 November, 2014 decision of Judge William Goodridge. In his decision Goodridge J. found that a cause of action did exist. The plaintiffs are permitted to seek remedies under the common law, and pursuant to contractual and statute law. Further, Goodridge J. determined that the 1043 individuals notified by Western Health of improper access to their medical records constitute an identifiable class. A further hearing will be held to determine if a class proceeding is the appropriate way to advance these claims. Case management hearings will be with Judge Goodridge over the next several months. Counsel for the...

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Breach of Privacy by Western Health

[vc_row triangle_shape="no"][vc_column][vc_column_text]Brothers Law Office is assessing claims against Western Health for breach of privacy. If you have received a letter from Western Health advising you of a breach of privacy then please call us toll-free at 1-888-278-6664 or locally at 709-639-3400 to discuss this matter with a member of our legal team. *Check our News Page for updated information and documents.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]...

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